Thunderstorms Europe

The point of this page is to serve as a test platform for thunderstorm forecasting in English.


                                                                                    Issuance:  no forecast




forecast time period:                      
nowcasting time period       
forecast issued in:            
Convective phenomena forecast:
A X risk (%) was issued for     

Forecast type:


Dynamic and Thermodynamic analyses:      



Issued by:  


Our outlooks are made only for experimental and eduactional purposes for the forecasters practise in various weather situations. We are not responsible for any inconveniences caused by an incorrect assessment of the forecast.

Our goal is not to copy issuances of other meteorological services but make our own view over the situation, thus these forecasts can give you a fresh overview about the forecasted weather setup for the associated convective development. Internal technical articles are aimed primarily for weather enthusiasts and atmospheric physicists. 

The forecasts are written by conception used by forecasters in the Storm Prediction Center and ESTOFEX.